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Stress and sleep deprivation are not only signs of a new dad - they can be a dangerous combination. A little caution is well advised. Just try to ignore the baby talk and don't be surprised if you're handed a bottle.
The deciding factor in many cases. Dad's have a tremendous impact in all of our lives. He'll love this shirt. A word of caution - Dad gets comments everywhere he goes in this shirt!
"Dad" in the classic baseball style. Whether he's an expecting Dad, brand new Dad or a veteran Dad, if he's a Dad, he'll love this shirt.
It takes someone very special to be a dad and that goes double for dads of twins.
The classic shirt for those Dads lucky enough to have twins. Wear with pride!
No Whining is the perfect shirt for the Dads and Grandpas that we know. It's also become quite popular with people that don't have kids. A perfect gift for anyone that believes whining is for wimps.
Expecting fathers and other members of the "support team" play a huge role during pregnancy. A pregnancy support team t-shirt is a great way to show your support or to say "Thank You" to your team. It's perfect to wear to Lamaze class, to the store in the middle of the night or to the hospital on "the big day".
Property of My Kids is perfect for every Dad. This design recognizes the committment that it takes to be a Dad and not just a father.