Top Ten Baby Names

The Most Popular Baby Names in the US

Top ten lists have become an important part of American culture. Having a "Top Ten Baby Names List" is probably a necessity and quite can be a great help to those tasked with picking a baby name. Choosing a name for your baby is a daunting task – after all, they’ll live with it the rest of their lives. Many parents believe that the hardest decisions of a pregnancy isn’t going to be about diet, or prenatal care, or even exercise – it’s going to be naming the baby. While some new parents have no problems agreeing on a name, other parents spend weeks agonizing over baby names and spellings, and some parents don’t name their baby until it’s time to come home from the hospital.

There were 4.1 million births in the United States in 2004. (Interesting Side Note: There were almost 100,000 more boys born than girls that year). Wow. That’s a lot of babies. The Top Ten Baby Names represent a small percentage of the baby names used each year. Whether you’re looking for strong traditional names to use, or looking for common names to avoid, or needing to find a middle name that goes sandwiched between baby’s first and last name, visiting the Top Ten list is a good place to start when you begin the search for your own baby’s name.

What you’ll find here is a list of the Top Ten Baby Names for both boys and girls for babies born in the US for 2004. Visit our Top Ten Boys or Girls Names for the origins, common meanings, and some similar names or unique spellings for the names on the list.

Looking for a longer list of baby girls names, or a list of baby boy names? How about the most popular baby names over the years? Would you prefer a list of unique and unusual baby names? Maybe you’d like to choose a name with biblical significance. Please visit our other articles for more suggestions and ideas to find the perfect name for your baby. Or babies, as the case may be!

Top Ten Boys Names for 2004

1. Jacob

2. Michael

3. Joshua

4. Matthew

5. Ethan

6. Andrew

7. Daniel

8. William

9. Joseph

10. Christopher

Top Ten Girl Names for 2004

1. Emily

2. Emma

3. Madison

4. Olivia

5. Hannah

6. Abigail

7. Isabella

8. Ashley

9. Samantha

10. Elizabeth