Rookie Dad Boot Camp

A Place where Expecting Dads can learn from Pros

New Dad Training Camps are a great way for expecting first time dads to learn tricks, tips, ideas, and expectations from “Veteran Dads” with months of experience. Childbirth classes are for the mom and her labor partner – New Dad Training Camps are just for Dad.

The first time most men hold a baby is at the birth of their own child. New Dad Training Camp is a chance for guys to get together with other new and expecting dads to talk about what to expect and how to face the challenges of being a new dad - without the presence (or perhaps influence or interference) of wives and girlfriends. “Veteran Dads” bring in their own babies – who are now 3 – 6 months old, to demonstrate tricks, tips, and things to watch for.

Most hospitals and communities offer workshops for Dads, although the class names and curriculum may vary. The “big Daddy” of them all is Boot Camp for New Dads, the group of men that started it all back in the early 1990s. You can visit them at the BNC website to read more about Daddy Boot Camp and find a class located near you. If you don’t see one listed in your area, don’t give up – check with your local hospital, or the place you’re taking your birth class from to see if they have more information. Our local hospital’s program isn’t listed on the Boot Camp for New Dads site, but they most certainly have one! My husband is a Training Camp “graduate”, and even took our boys to a workshop as a Veteran Dad to participate in a workshop.

Most birth classes that expecting parents take are specific to Mom – and New Dad Training Camps prevent a great opportunity for Dads to talk about issues and concerns that they have. The Training Camps seem to be a ‘well kept secret’, and – surprisingly - don’t seem to be widely advertised or talk about by obs, mid-wives, and hospitals, at least in our area. We’ve recommended New Dad Training Camps to all of our first-time parent friend who had never heard of the class before. The Dads who took our advice and signed up for the class found the workshop as helpful as it promises to be.

Dads should probably take the class during the last trimester of the pregnancy. Scholarships are available at most places, although the cost for the class is very reasonable (our local class is $20). Registration to a class makes a great first Father's Day, baby shower, or new dad gift!