Recall and Safety Information
Where to go for safety and recall information on car seats, playpens, or other product recalls.
As you look at the variety of car seats, baby gates, high chairs, strollers, cribs, and the mountains of other necessities and niceties that you will be purchasing or borrowing for your baby, your children (or yourself!) we highly recommend you do some quick recall and safety evaluation research - ESPECIALLY if you are buying something that is used, or borrowing something from a family member or friend.
You should always register your new products with the manufacturer. The five minutes it takes to fill out the postcard ensures that you will receive any recall or safety concern information.
Here are some places to look:
As an independent evaluation site, Consumer Search offers reviews on a variety of different products. They aren't paid to do reviews of, so you don't have to worry about a manufacturer's advertising budget skewing the review. Can't find a specific product review on their site? You can contact them (include the specific make and model of the product in question) and they'll add it to their "products to review" list!
The US Consumer Product and Safety Commission(CPSC)
CPSC is a federal regulatory agency that protects consumers by issuing safety warnings on all types of products. While this isn't the official CPSC site, this is one of the most parent-friendly sites we found, and the one we refer to.
Who hasn't heard of Consumer Reports? Consumer Reports has easy-to-understand reviews, and also provides evaluations on ease of use of many products.
Best wishes!
Collin and Evan’s Mommy
P.S. Is there a site or organization that you have found to be particular helpful when looking for safety or recall information? If so contact us and we'll provide the information for other parents!