Pregnancy and Parenting Magazines
One of the greatest benefits of the web is that now there is a TON of information at your fingertips, without the cost of buying a magazine or a subscription. For frugal folks like us, it also means that we don't have to go to the library to check out reading or resource materials every time we had a question about the pregnancy. It's all just a web search away. This has been especially helpful during our pregnancy and these past few months after the boys were born. And with today's technology, you can print out the articles on baby news, milestones, baby advice, and other baby topics to read later, print out that recipe for tonight's dinner, print out an article to discuss with your pediatrician, or download an article right to your PDA or palm pilot to read at your leisure!
And, if you do like the comfort of a magazine you can hold, or look for every month in your mailbox, many of the baby websites have magazine subscriptions - some at a reduced rate! If you prefer, most will send you electronic magazines, or baby newsletters, at no cost!
We've gathered together a collection of websites, as well as pregnancy and parenting magazines that we found useful. If you have a favorite that's not listed, please contact us. We are always looking for new information for our own family!
This website is sponsored by the US Department of Health and Human Service. The website and toll-free call center were created to provide FREE, reliable health information for women everywhere. They have an extensive database of great resources, as well as special sections on topic areas like heart disease, disabilities and pregnancy. As a resource, this site provides well-documented and current information.
American Baby is a sister site to Ladies Home Journal and Better Homes and Garden, and is designed to be all-things to all-parents. There are fun things like personalized pregnancy and baby calendars, due date predictors, quizzes of all shapes and sizes (a fun way to spend bedrest and waiting-for-baby-to-wake-up-for-feeding hours), message boards, and more! On the serious side of things, they offer email "courses" relating to preparing for pregnancy, baby basics and development, and other topics, opinions from experts on a variety of topics, and many more tools for expecting, new, and experienced mom and dads.
The Baby Zone is another website that is all-things to all-parents. One of the tools they have is connections for "local zones" - events and groups specific to your area. Most states only have one or two cities listed - if you're a mom who loves to organize and keep in touch with moms in your area, this would be a great opportunity for you!
ePregnancy.com is a magazine and supporting website for hopeful, expectant, new and seasoned parents. They have featured sections on all things related to pregnancy - from preconception to birth, baby care, nutrition, and more. A great resource!
iParenting is a network of more than 40 Web sites devoted to the entire family lifecycle - from preconception through the teenage years. With articles, columns, gift shops, and more, this is another general website that is good to bookmark when researching information.
Momdays is another one of those great sites that have a little bit of everything for a new or expecting mother - guidance, advice, ideas, recipes and much more for these days of your life as a mom. The resources are free to use and - a big bonus for many people - there's no registration required!