Pregnancy and Protein

Protein is a must for Pregnancy Diets

Even if you don't like eggs or red meat (which are both excellent forms of protein), there are a variety of ways to add protein to your diet while you're pregnant. Check with your ob or nutritionist about how much protein you should be getting, but a good 'goal' for singletons is 80 grams a day, and twins should be 110 - 125 grams of protein a day. For triplets, the goal should be 140 - 150. It seems like a lot, but here are some easy ways to get that protein!

You'll need extra protein, too, if you're planning on breast feeding!

CHECK THE LABELS. For instance, different brands and types of bread, crackers and noodles have different levels of protein. The same is true with yogurts, cottage cheese, and cheeses.

Eat nuts instead of chips or pretzels.

Eat crackers with peanut butter - and replace butter with almond butter, cashew butter, or peanut butter on your morning toast!

Don't forget your milk! Baby needs the calcium for development! 8 ounces of milk has 8 grams of protein.

Look into soy products. There's more to soy than tofu these days! Garden Burger, Boca and Morning Star have a number of good soy burgers, "chicken" patties, corn dogs, "hot dogs", meatloaf, pizza and other items - this market has really branched out. If you find you don't like the taste or texture of one brand, try a different brand - there really is a difference! For instance, we highly recommend the Boca brand ground 'beef' over the others.

Add dry milk powder to your baked goods and casseroles.

Substitute 1/4 cup soy flour for regular flour in baking.

Add nuts, yogurt, Brewer's yeast, wheat germ or protein powder to fruit smoothie drinks.

Top your cereal with chopped or sliced nuts.

Toss pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds (your favorite kind of nuts!), and/or beans into your salads.

Sprinkle shredded cheese into pasta dishes and salads.

Add eggs to ground hamburger or turkey to make burgers and meatloaf.

The information on this website is designed for educational purposes only. The information is NOT intended to be a substitute for medical care. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have.