Baby Boys Names
America's Favorite Baby Boys Names
Almost every pregnant woman in the past 100 years has wanted to know what the most popular baby names are. The reasons vary – some look to the list for suggestions and some look at popular names as those not to use when naming their own baby.
The most popular baby boys names remains pretty consistent from year to year. Here you will find the Top Ten Baby Names for boys in the United States born in the past four years. You’ll also find the most common meanings, and alternative spellings for those parents looking for names and spellings with a sense of heritage.
Still looking for the perfect baby name? Are you looking for something a little less common? Check out Baby Names through the Decades – the most popular baby names in the United States since the 1880s. There are several names that were popular in the 20s, 30s, and 40s that aren’t used as much today.
Popular Boys Names of 2004
1. Jacob: Jacob is a Hebrew name meaning “by the heel”. In the Old Testament, Jacob was born holding the heel of his twin brother Esau. Jacob (who was later named Israel) had twelve sons. Israel’s sons became the founders of the 12 tribes of Israel: Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, Judah, Levi, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon and Zebulum.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Jacob:
Jakab or Jákob: Hungarian
Jakob: German, Sandinavian, Slovene
Jakov: Croatian
Jakub: Polish, Czech
2. Michael: Michael is a Hebrew name meaning “Like God” or "who is like God?". In Hebrew tradition, Michael is one of the seven archangels. In the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, Michael is the leader of heaven's armies. Michael is also one of the patron saints of soldiers.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Michael
Michal: Czech, Slovak, Polish
Mícheál: Irish
Mìcheál, Micheil: Scottish
Mikhail: Russian, Bulgarian
Mikkel: Sandinavian
3. Joshua: Joshua means “Jehova saves”, or “Jehova is salvation” in Hebrew. Joshua succeeded Moses in the leading of the Israelites in the Old Testament.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Joshua:
Joshawa: English
Josu: Basque
Josue: Spanish, French
Josué: Portuguese
Józsu: Hungarian
4. Matthew: Matthew means “God’s Gift” in Hebrew. First mentioned in the New Testament, Matthew was a tax collector who became a disciple of Jesus and later wrote the first Gospel in the New Testament in the first century A.D.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Matthew:
Matheus: Portuguese
Mathias: German, Scandinavian
Mathieu, Matthieu: French
Mathis: German, French
Matias: Finnish
Matija: Slovene, Croatian, Serbian
Matteo: Italian
5. Ethan: Ethan is another Hebrew name and means “solid, enduring” or “strong, firm, constant”. The name Ethan appears in the Old Testament eight times, including a wise man, a cymbal-player in King David’s Court, and the writer of Psalm 89.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Ethan:
Eitan: Jewish
6. Andrew: Andrew is of Greek/French origins and means “of a man” or “manly, valiant, courageous”. Andrew the disciple was the brother of Simon Peter. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Russia, and Greece.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Andrew:
Aindrea: Scottish
Aindréas, Aindriú: Irish
Ander: Basque
Andrei: Romanian, Russian, Bulgarian
Antero: Finnish
7. Daniel: Hebrew in origin, Daniel means “my judge is the Lord”. Daniel was an Old Testmaent prophet who interpreted dreams for the king. There are many bible stories of told of Daniels’ life, one of the most famous is ‘Daniel in the Lion’s Den’.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Daniel:
Daan: Dutch
Daniil: Russian
Danijel: Slovene, Croatian, Serbian
Danilo: Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian
Danut: Romanian
Deiniol: Welsh
8. William: William is derived from the German name Wilhelm. Literally translated, Wilhelm means wil means "will, desire" and helm "helmet, protection". William has come to mean “valiant protector”. The Normans were the ones to introduce the name to England.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for William:
Gwilim, Gwilym, Gwillym: Welsh
Uilliam: Scottish
Vilhelm: Scandanvian, Hungarian
Viliam, Vilko: Slovak
Willem, Wim: Dutch
9. Joseph: Another name with Hebrew origins, Joseph means “God will increase”. The Old Testament had Joseph and his coat of many colors, who was sold into slavery and became an advisor to the King. The New Testament had Joseph, husband to Mary, who was the mother of Jesus.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Joseph:
Hovsep: Armenian
Josef: German, Scandinavian, Czech
Josif: Serbian
Yosef, Yussel: Jewish
Yousef, Youssef: Arabic
10. Christopher: The name Christopher is of Greek origin and means “Christ Bearer”. While not mentioned by name in the Bible, Christopher was the legendary saint who carried a young Jesus across a river. Christopher is the patron saint of travellers.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Christopher:
Christoffer: Scandinavian
Chirstoph: German
Christophe: French
Cristoforo: Italian
Krister: Swedish
Popular Boys Name of 2003
*Name origins, meaning, etc. can be found in the 2004 Top 10 List
1. Jacob *
2. Michael *
3. Joshua *
4. Matthew *
5. Andrew *
6. Ethan *
7. Joseph *
8. Daniel *
9. Christopher *
10. Anthony: Anthony is of Greek/Roman origin, and means either “flower” or “worthy of praise”, depending on which name dictionary you look through. One of the first recorded uses of the name “Anthony” was Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius) the Roman general who ruled the Roman empire with August and whose mistress was Cleopatra were attacked and forced to commit suicide.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Anthony:
Akoni: Hawaiian
Antoine, Antonin: French
Anton: German, Russian, Scandinavian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian
Antonino: Italian
Teunis, Theunis: Dutch
Popular Boy Names of 2002
*Name origins and meaning can be found in the 2004 Top 10 List
1. Jacob *
2. Michael *
3. Joshua *
4. Matthew *
5. Ethan *
6. Andrew *
7. Joseph *
8. Christopher *
9. Nicholas: Nicolas is of Greek origins and means "victory of the people". The most famous Nicholas is St. Nick – the original Santa Claus of Christmas fame. Nicholas is the patron saint of children, sailors and merchants, and of Greece and Russia.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Nicholas:
Neacel: Scottish
Neculai, Nicolae: Romanian
Nickolaus, Nikolaus: German
Nicolass, Nikolaas: Dutch
Nicolaos: Greek
Nikolai: Russian, BulgarianI thi
Nikolaj: Danish, Slovene
Nioclas: Irish
10. Daniel *
Popular Boy Names of 2001
*Name origins and meaning can be found in the 2004 Top 10 List, unless otherwise indicated:
1. Jacob *
2. Michael *
3. Matthew *
4. Joshua *
5. Christopher *
6. Nicholas - 2002
7. Andrew *
8. Joseph *
9. Daniel *
10. William *
Popular Boy Names of 2000
*Name origins and meaning can be found in the 2004 Top 10 List, unless otherwise indicated:
1. Jacob *
2. Michael *
3. Matthew *
4. Joshua *
5. Christopher *
6. Nicholas – 2002
7. Andrew *
8. Joseph *
9. Daniel *
10. Tyler: Tyler is an Old English surname meaning "tiler of roofs”.
Similar Names and Other Spellings for Tyler:
Tylar, Tylor: English
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